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Best Colleges in Delhi


University Name Admission Process University Name Admission Process
University of Delhi CUET CUET
Guru Govind Singh Indraprastha University JEE Main/CUET
New Delhi
JNU New delhi JEE Main/CUET Derect/CUET/JEE
Galgotia University Derect/CUET/JEE Derect/CUET/JEE
IGNOU New delhi Direct Derect/CUET/JEE
Colleges in Delhi (Delhi University)
Hindu college Lady shriram College
Ramjas College
HansRaj College
Miranda House College Gargi College
Kirorimal College
Lady Irvin College
Maitreyi College Deen Dayal Upadhyaqy College
Achaya Narender dev College
Dayal Singj College
Shri Guru Govind Singh college of commence kalindi college
Delhi College of Arts
Lakshmibai College